
Our Location

ASI main office

143 Robbins Hall
UC Davis


Student Farm

See detailed directions
to the Student Farm

Mailing Address

Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616


Find the best way to be in touch with ASI

Do you know who you'd like to contact?

Find them in our staff listing

Farmers looking for assistance

Generally, ASI is unable to provide assistance to farmers on an individual basis. The best place to learn about local assistance resources or to contact a local Farm Advisor is through your county's UC Cooperative Extension office.

Gardeners looking for assistance

The best place to find assistance on garden-related questions is through your local Master Gardener program.

Interested in ASI's participation in an event?

We determine participation in events on a case by case basis, and have limited capacity to host booths or activities at local events.

Interested in touring the Student Farm?

  • Tours are conducted at the beginning of every academic quarter to introduce students to the Student Farm.  See upcoming tour dates here.
  • For tours of the Student Farm, contact Colin Dixon
  • For field trips for children and youth, contact Colin Dixon
  • Tour requests are determined on a case by case basis and subject to the availability of Student Farm staff

Interested in Supporting ASI?