Register now: Kids in the Garden Course & Internship
PLS 193: Garden & Farm Based Experiential Education Methods
Winter Course & Spring Internship 2025
- Help kids learn more about gardens, farms, and food
- Connect to the land and practices that sustain our community and planet
- Get involved in your campus Student Farm
Lecture: Wednesdays 3:10 pm- 4:00 pm; Lab: Fridays 2:10 pm - 5:00 pm
>> CRN 35881
Our two-unit winter quarter training course prepares you to work directly with children and youth in garden and farm settings. Through hands-on work in the garden, the course gives you the ecological understanding and the teaching skills to guide others in culturally responsive experiential education. In spring quarter you will lead hands-on activities for elementary school students.
You can earn one, two, or three internship units leading field trips during spring quarter.
No prerequisites. The class attracts students from a wide variety of majors and experience levels. The course is taught by Student Farm Staff with help from former students, other faculty, and you, the current year’s participants.
Questions? Email Lexie, llnelson@ucdavis.edu, or stop by the Student Farm