The Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award

Established in 2008 through gifts from family and friends, the Eric Bradford and Charlie Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award seeks to provide a lasting legacy of the unique contributions Eric Bradford and Charlie Rominger made in academia and agriculture and to the field of agricultural sustainability.
The intent of the Award is to recognize and honor individuals exhibiting the leadership, work ethic and integrity epitomized by Eric and Charlie. Awardees demonstrate leadership with a passion for service as they aim to improve the world through their contributions to agriculture.
Nominations are welcome for UC Farm Advisors and Cooperative Extension Specialists as well as UC Davis graduate students, faculty members, and in special cases, alumni, for their work toward agricultural sustainability. Award recipients will receive a cash prize and may be invited to give a lecture sponsored by the Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UC Davis which manages the award and selection process.
To contribute to the endowed fund, please contact Mackensie Priley, Director of Development at or simply mail your contribution to: Mackensie Priley, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean’s Office, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616 and note that it is for the Bradford-Rominger award.
Learn more about past Bradford Rominger Award recipients
Stephanie Larson, County Director/Livestock & Range Management Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County
Annie Main, Co-Owner, Good Humus Produce
Recipients of the 2024 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Deanne Meyer, UC Cooperative Extension Livestock Waste Management Specialist
Recipient of the 2020 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Rachael Long, UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor, Yolo County
Recipient of the 2019 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Rachel Surls, UC Cooperative Extension Sustainable Food Systems Advisor, Los Angeles County
Recipient of the 2018 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
David Lewis, Director and Watershed Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, North Bay Counties
Recipient of the 2017 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Daniel Mountjoy, Director of Resource Stewardship, Sustainable Conservation and UC Davis Alumnus
Recipient of the 2016 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Isao Fujimoto, lecturer emeritus of Community Development and Asian Studies at UC Davis
Recipient of the 2015 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Mary Bianchi, UCCE Farm Advisor and County Director, San Luis Obispo County
Recipient of the 2014 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Rose Hayden-Smith, recipient of the 2013 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Dr. Kenneth Tate, recipient of the 2012 Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award
Dr. Kelly Garbach, the inaugural recipient of the Bradford Rominger award