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Student Farm Farmstand
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Student Farm Farmstand
Have you visited the Student Farm? The Agricultural Sustainability Institute invites you to come by and learn about sustainable agriculture and food systems related programs and opportunities on campus and in the community.
Discover ways to engage in food on campus while participating in fun activities, including tours of the Student Farm and the Sustainable Living and Learning Communities, a U-pick event and chatting with representatives from various diverse campus programs including:
- Sustainable Living and Learning Communities (SLLC)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (SAFS) major
- Aggie Compass’ Fruit and Veggie Up program
- UC ANR Organic Agriculture Institute (OAI)
- UC ANR Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
- and others!
Open to all students and community members.
Snacks & Drinks! plus speakers, tours, activities, and representatives from UC Davis organizations and programs.
- 3-4:00pm - Farmstand & produce distribution
- 3:30pm - Welcome from Ryan Galt, ASI Director, Green Fellows and others
- 4:00 pm - Tours of Student Farm & SLLC
We hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact aethompson@ucdavis.edu