Stephanie Larson and Annie Main to receive Bradford–Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Awards

The Agricultural Sustainability Institute (ASI) at UC Davis has announced that for the first time in one year, two people will be given ASI’s Eric Bradford and Charlie Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award: Dr. Stephanie Larson, UC Cooperative Extension Sonoma County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor; and Annie Main, pioneering farmer at Good Humus in Yolo County.

Fresh Focus - Fall 2023 Report

A busy fall! The Fresh Focus team said goodbye and THANK YOU to coordinator Judy Jun, welcomed a new team of Lead Student Farmers and interns, and got on with the business of increasing food access and promoting food justice and sovereignty at UC Davis. Read highlights from Fall Quarter activities and learn more about the dedicated team of Lead Student Farmers, Student Farm interns, and staff.

Fresh Focus Impact Report: Summer 2023

Campus is quieter in summer, but with two Lead Student Farmers, Fresh Focus's team kept summer students supplied with fresh produce, grown by summer students. In the impact report linked below, read highlights from the quarter, including distribution to partners in Knights Landing and Davis Night Market, and learn more about the dedicated team of Lead Student Farmers, Student Farm interns, and staff.

Interested in Food Justice & Food Access? We're Hiring!

The Student Farm is looking for someone passionate about food justice to lead our Fresh Focus program. The Fresh Focus program supports food access and food sovereignty efforts on campus and in the community, through gleaning and program-specific production at the Student Farm, collaboration with Aggie Compass, Basic Needs, and student support centers around centers, and convening of conversation about food justice and food culture at UC Davis. 

SCOPE Organic Plant Breeding Project grows its impact

UC Davis’ student-led program in organic farming will expand to include new crops and new partners, with the aim of exporting its educational the model to other institutions. The expansion is being funded with a $2-million grant from the Organic Research and Extension Initiative, part of the United States Department of Agriculture.

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You are here: Updating the Student Farm Map

Working with UCD's talented Kelly Nishimura and the entire Student Farm community, Ecological Garden Lead Julia Schreiber has been talking to staff, students and community members to update the map that welcomes people. Sitting near the corner of Extension Center Drive and Orchard Park Drive, the current map started out beautiful and has gotten more beautiful, but less readable, with age.

New Report: California Famers' Online Sales & Marketing During COVID19

In this new report we highlight findings from a survey, interviews and participant observation with direct market farmers and technical assistant providers in California. We found that online technologies were an important tool for overcoming the disruptions caused by the pandemic. However, many farmers lacked the appropriate resources to use these tools. We argue that farmers need reliable access to the internet, financial support, and training to access and benefit from online sales and marketing.