Fresh Focus - Fall 2023 Report
A busy fall! The Fresh Focus team said goodbye and THANK YOU to coordinator Judy Jun, welcomed a new team of Lead Student Farmers and interns, and got on with the business of increasing food access and promoting food justice and sovereignty at UC Davis. Read highlights from Fall Quarter activities and learn more about the dedicated team of Lead Student Farmers, Student Farm interns, and staff. This great work is supported by Aggie Compass and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Thank You!
The Fresh Focus program reduces food loss while supporting student access to fresh produce. It is a central component of the Student Farm's efforts to build a more equitable and just farm and food system by cultivating student initiative, leadership, and experiential learning.
Read more: Fall 2023 Report (pdf)
Fall 2023 Highlights:
- Distributed 3,249 pounds of fresh produce. This is equivalent to 2,708 meals for the UC Davis community
- Supported 11 partners with 174 bins of produce to partners
From Judy, Fresh Focus Program Lead:
“I’m so happy to have found the Student Farm, and especially Fresh Focus. Fresh Focus is an extremely valuable and rewarding department within the farm that addresses important topics such as food security and food justice, two things I have grown very passionate about since interning.” -Erica, Fresh Focus intern

From Fresh Focus Winter Interns & Partners:
“I appreciate the opportunity to teach and learn about agriculture and food justice in such a supportive community with so many passionate peers. Fresh Focus is more than just food access, it’s a program that supports food education both within the student farm and outward towards the greater Davis community.” - Ruben, Fresh Focus Lead Student Farmer
"Fresh Focus has helped me realize just how much work goes into harvesting and distributing food and other produce. As a consequence, it's given me a new appreciation to the process, as well as a new appreciation to those who provide our food on campus." - Johan, Fresh Focus intern