Fresh Focus Spring Impact Report
Growing and connecting in new ways
The team got summer crops in the ground, helped convene food security partners from across campus, and expanded our impact through activities like the Whole Earth Festival and harvesting fruit from Plant Sciences teaching orchards. Read highlights from Spring Quarter activities and learn more about the dedicated team of Lead Student Farmers, Student Farm interns, and staff, as well as a Partner Spotlight on the Ecological Garden. This great work is supported by Aggie Compass and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Thank You!
The Fresh Focus program reduces food loss while supporting student access to fresh produce. It is a central component of the Student Farm's efforts to build a more equitable and just farm and food system by cultivating student initiative, leadership, and experiential learning.
Read more: Spring Report (pdf)
For questions about Fresh Focus, please contact Judy Jun.
Spring Highlights
- Distributed produce at Whole Earth Festival
- Collaborated with Plant Sciences department to harvest and distribute cherries
- Supported new partnership with the Mobile Pantry
- Sent out 218 bins to campus partners
- Distributed 3,491 pounds of fresh produce
From Nathan, Spring Intern:
Interning with Fresh Focus while working at a center that we partner with has been incredibly fulfilling for me, as I've been able to see the fresh produce that we harvest and pack arrive to students in need. The diverse variety of fruits and vegetables that Fresh Focus provides is important to making sure that marginalized students on campus have easy access to healthy food."

From Fruit & Veggie Up! at Aggie Compass
Our distributions are always a hit because of the delicious fruits, vegetables, herbs, and beans that you allow us to provide. Thank you for supporting our mission of providing nutritious, delicious, and free produce to students and the community to help combat food insecurity!"