Fresh Focus Impact Report 2022
Fresh Focus Spring/Summer and Fall Reports are out!
Learn more about Fresh Focus activities, accomplishments and people. The Fresh Focus program reduces food loss while supporting student access to fresh produce. It is a central component of the Student Farm's efforts to build a more equitable and just farm and food system by cultivating student initiative, leadership, and experiential learning.
This work is led by dedicated team of Lead Student Farmers, Student Farm interns, and staff, including new Fresh Focus coordinator, Judy Jun. Read more about this team in the pdf newsletter. The great work is supported by Aggie Compass and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - thank you!
Learn more: Spring/Summer Report (pdf) | Fall Report (pdf)
For questions about Fresh Focus, please contact Judy Jun.
Spring/Summer Highlights:
- Distributed 9,243 pounds of fresh produce. This is equivalent to 7,703 meals for the UC Davis community
- Supported 11 partnerships
- Sent out 374 bins of produce to partners
From Adriana, Spring intern & Summer Lead Student Farmer:
"Working with Fresh Focus during the summer is extra special because we get to see our reach extend beyond the UC Davis community into the larger Davis/Yolo County community. We got to donate to several off campus partners, as well as Knight's Landing, a census-designated community north of Davis. One of my highlights this summer was co-leading a tour for the Yolo Food Bank and fostering an important conversation around food justice in Yolo County."

Fall Highlights:
- Distributed 3,565 pounds of fresh produce
- Welcomed Judy, our new Fresh Focus Coordinator
- Became partners with the Graduate Student Pantry
From Fresh Focus Fall Interns:
I experienced the change of seasons on the student farm and gained the joy of harvest from summer to winter. I really enjoyed the time I worked at the farm" - Lydia
I now know that I want to pursue a career in sustainable, regenerative agriculture to support the land and people around me. My experience working to increase student food access on campus has cemented advocating for food justice as a part of my lifelong mission." - Jess